Life List

We all look for inspiration in life. Sometimes we get off track and need some guidance. However, much of it seems to be rather unrealistic or meant for people more high-minded than me. I prefer a bit of honesty. After all, I’m just trying to get through the days without going on a violent rampage.

1. Make peace with your past so it won’t disturb your present.

This is fine but “payback” is also quite satisfying. If someone talks badly about me at work, I am going to spread gossip that the person’s marriage is failing and he/she has a drug problem and social services had to get involved with the children. It’s not revenge, it is justice. That gives me a sense of peace.

2. What other people think of you is none of your business.

Yeah, but honestly, I want to know what people are saying about me. Maybe some people have enough self-confidence and are filled with enough zen to rise above it but I am not. If people are talking shit, I want to know who it is and what they are saying so I can maybe do something about it. You could call it paranoid but I call it survival.

3. Time heals almost everything so give it time.

Maybe for some people but not for me. Time allows to wounds to fester, like an infected boil. Then they burst out into incoherent anger, usually directed at someone who hasn’t done anything to me. Or I just get very passive-aggressive and sulk and pout. And you know what? That is okay. I am only human.

4. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

It is my right to be miserable. Even when I have more than I need and really nothing to worry about I am still going to piss and moan about how unfair everything is and why me and I work so hard and no one cares. And then I buy a bunch of stuff on Amazon to because I am entitled and the world owes me. I am just trying to be honest.

5. Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them, you have no idea what their journey is.

What is else there besides comparing yourself to others and judging them? How else do I know if I am winning? Yeah, it is an endless cycle but so is eating and breathing and I’m not going to stop doing those things.

  • By TheWorkingExperience
  • May 12, 2020


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